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8.2 years ago
Hi all,
here is some background to my question in the title: I have two genome versions, a scaffolded and unscaffolded one; as luck has it, the annotated version is the unscaffolded one. I would like to update the coordinates in the GFF file to the scaffolded version. I wanted to use crossMap (http://crossmap.sourceforge.net) for this, but I need a chain file. I already have an AGP file describing how the scaffolds were generated. I am thus looking for a tool that would convert the AGP tile to a chain file. Does such a tool exist?
Hi - did you figure this out?
No, I gave up on it. Sorry!
There is a bunch of scripts here, in particular,
may do what you want.liftUp from the Kent tools should do the job if I only could fire the right command! Anyone a working example from .agp to .chain?