Simple Demo Program For Bioinformatics
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13.5 years ago
avj ▴ 40

I am a beginner level programmer preparing for the interview in medical research company. Job sounds damn interesting and I would like to get there. To show my skills and interest, I want to write a program related to the topic. What would you suggest?

First ideas: simple statistical analysis of input data, image collections, lab inventory program..

programming • 2.7k views
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I think your question is far too general to be answered here.

Besides that, I doubt that the interviewers will be impressed by a demonstration of your programming skills -- unless you have managed to solve an outstanding bioinformatics problem. You will probably be asked questions related to programming though, where it might be good to read up on general topics (e.g. tree traversal, database normal forms, etc.).

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Please do a search on the biostar archive before posting new questions. You may have found this question: What Is Your Favorite Question To Ask When Interviewing Potential Bioinformaticians?

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13.5 years ago

You're unlikely to impress a technical interviewer with beginner-level code you worked up for a toy problem. Anyone who is hiring an entry-level programmer is looking more for someone smart and capable of learning than for specific technical skills. Otherwise they would be interviewing someone more senior; there is no shortage of software developers around, although there's always a shortage of really sharp people. I think you're better off studying the field that the company is in so you can demonstrate that you care about the domain and are not just looking for work anywhere, rather than trying to build a LIMS in a week. Good luck on the interview.


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