How to reach out research groups or labs to find out Ph.D. studentship in bioinformatics?
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7.4 years ago
AndyJian • 0

I am seeking my doctoral studies in computational biology and machine learning in USA, or UK. I have searched corresponding job sites such as nature jobs, researchgate and so on. However, I have tried of applied for three universities across Europe, but still don't know the selection results. I have done my master thesis in NGS analysis and developed one package which is in the process of submitting to Bioconductor.

Now, I am preparing GRE general test to the admission of universities in USA, Canada. My question is, how to reach out corresponding labs or research group that they intend to recruit new candidates in bioinformatics? Is there anyone who might know possible new roles in computational biology and machine learning? Or people who might familiar with corresponding research group they are considering to enroll Ph.D. student? Thanks to biostar community in advance

next-gen doctoral-studies • 1.6k views
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Did you try LinkedIn for starters? Or even google might give good results, especially if USA or UK is your target (gets more difficult with more specific locations).

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@b.nota: Thanks for your prompt respond. I tried in findPhd, researchgate, but very few position are available. I don't have a preference of specific location in USA, or UK. I didn't try on linkedin, how can I search research group, labs, or professor who intends to recruit new candidates? do you have any contact or people who might know some clue? thank you :)

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7.4 years ago

PhD studentships are not always widely advertised because some are part of a university or institute-wide PhD program and selection is not done at the lab level. Look for universities/institutes/labs where you would like to work and contact the relevant person(s). Some PhD programs have a website for application submission.

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@Jean-Karim Heriche: Thanks for your response. I applied for EMBL Ph.D. program already, but still don't know the selection results yet. I want to create more chance if EMBL application is not going well, because of my background in computer science (data engineering, machine learning specialization). I have known with bioinformatics about a year ago, and I found myself quite interested in this area. Are there any efficient avenues to hunt available Ph.D. position in computation biology? Thanks again for your help

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The field is vast and it helps if you have an idea of what kind of question(s) you're interested in. Read computational biology/bioinformatics papers. You can start with browsing journals like Bioinformatics, BMC bioinformatics, BMC systems biology, Molecular Systems Biology, PLOS Computational Biology to get some ideas but sometimes the best applications of computational biology to tackle a biological question appear in more biology-oriented journals, some of which also have a systems biology section.

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@Jean-Karim Heriche: Thanks for your helpful answer.


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