Labs with bioinformatics courses mainly focussing on Next generation sequence data analysis
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6.9 years ago • 0

Hello everybody,

I am working on repetitive element characterization and identification on plant genome. Although I am relatively new in bioinformatics, have some basic knowledge on Galaxy platform and Linux based operating tools. However, windows is my favorite operating system. Anyway, I am eligible to take two month Erasmus training program in any European country and want to use that time efficiently mainly developing my skill on bioinformatics focusing on handling next generation sequence data and repeat identification. Can anyone please give me any suggestion from where I can get acceptance letter easily and learn some tools related my area.

sequence genome next-gen • 1.2k views
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Thank you very much, Devon Ryan. It will help a lot:))

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6.9 years ago

If you want to stick to Windows, then using Galaxy is probably your only option. Here in Freiburg, we do Galaxy trainings a couple times a year and they're open to pretty much everyone. Here's the information on the next course, which takes place in late September. I presume it's already full (it usually is within a day of announcement), but there will be other courses.


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