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7.5 years ago
Hello, Does anyone know of a mirror to download the UniRef90 database via HTTP or HTTPS, or something supported by Google Apps Scripts? I want to download the UniRef90 database, but it is not possible via FTP on Googgle Apps Scripts. Source. Thoughts?
You can find all UniRef data on the UniProt website
You should be able to mirror that using standard http and using the query syntax you can slice or dice it in whatever way you wany. e.g. to get UniRef 90 just add ?query=identity:0.9.
Download formats are XML, RDF (JSON-LD, XML, Turtle) or FASTA and the column options.
I am moving this to a comment since it does not answer original question. It sounds to me like OP does not want to do this manually (even once) otherwise uploading/downloading the data would be simple.
I think it answers the question.
How can I download UniRef 90 over http ->use http://www.uniprot.org/uniref/?query=identity:0.9&format=xml