Hi everybody,
lot of us faced problem when reporting variants need to check some of the variants in UCSC genome browser, NCBI, ClinVAr or Ensembl and many others databases and tools to collect about my variants as much information as possible. Of course there are tool to annotate my variants like VEP, Annovar, SeatleSeq...
Do you have any experiences to generate from my genomic coordinate some output with direct links to dbSNP, UCSC, Ensembl, ClinVar...and many others ?
Lets assume my input is in hg38:
chr2 47475313 47475313
and output could look like:
chr2 47475313 dbSNP Variation_Viewer UCSC Ensembl ClinVar
Thank you for sharing your codes, workflows and experiences.
Of course I do not want to direct link only to this databases - share your favorite one!!