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6.1 years ago
Hi I used fastqc tool after running Afterqc tool but at the result I saw k-mer content parameter is absent. what could be the reason of it and how should i add k-mer content to analysis?
by the way, I run FastQC after Fastp tool for the same data and there was k-mer content.
Which version of FastQC did you use ? AFAIK libraries barely never pass the k-mer content test and was not a mark of data quality. So maybe they removed the fonctionnality
Edit : Here, check the FastQC changelog : https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/
I used Version 0.11.8.
So, by default it's disabled (since 0.11.6). Look at the FastQC options the enable it
It seems easy but if you don't know the reason it would be a big problem, the problem is solved thank you a lot.