News:Sage Bionetworks is seeking researchers and data scientists to participate in software user research!
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5.5 years ago

Calling biomedical researchers & data scientists!

Sage Bionetworks is a biomedical research organization, based in Seattle. We are currently conducting formative research to understand the workflows, interactions, current tools and needs of scientists and researchers, particularly around information seeking during research.

We're offering a $25 Amazon gift card to all participants as a thank you, and though there are no other direct benefits, these interviews will help drive directions for designing our next generation of products and services for researchers.

If you are interested in participating in a 60-minute remote interview, between 02/13 and 02/28, please fill out this 2-minute screener:

We hope to hear from you!

The Sage Bionetworks Design Team

research software • 1.1k views
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What is the purpose and question you are researching? I am always sceptical when names and email addresses are being queried in the web but no background information are given.

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That's understandable. The research is qualitative in nature, with the purpose being to better understand potential users of services that we are developing. There is no one specific question, rather there are a number of questions that will be engaged in a semi-structured interview. There will also be a think-aloud discussion of 'Agora', a tool which has been developed for the Alzheimers Disease research community but is being considered for other communities. The types of questions covered will include:

  • What are the end-to-end workflows of researchers? In other words, what do they “do” and when do they do it?
  • How does information seeking fit into the workflow of researchers?
  • What tools, technologies, people and processes make up the workflow of current and potential users?
  • What are the current pain points for users, what services are they missing from their overall workflow?
  • What are the standards and best practices that customers are likely to expect in our products?
  • Do current and proposed functionalities within Agora resonate with users? What other functionalities would users like to see?

Thanks for your time



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