Hi all,
Stringtie reports TPM at gene level, but I need TPM at transcript level. Is there a way to obtain transcript level TPM using stringtie?
Hi all,
Stringtie reports TPM at gene level, but I need TPM at transcript level. Is there a way to obtain transcript level TPM using stringtie?
It does provide transcript level TPM since 2015:
10/19/2015 - v1.1.0 release This StringTie release includes the following updates: major memory usage improvements due to: changes of internal data structures, collapsing reads aligned in the same place and filtering of spurious spliced alignments within large bundles -- most RNA-seq data samples use much less than 1Gb of memory now. TPM is now also reported for transcripts and genes (besides FPKM)
Also from https://ccb.jhu.edu/software/stringtie/index.shtml?t=manual:
for each RNA-Seq sample, run StringTie using the -B/-b and -e options in order to estimate transcript abundances and generate read coverage tables for Ballgown.
The TPMs values are located in the GTF file, returned by StringTie. If you want a simple two-column file with Transcript ID and TPM, you can simply run the following command:
grep -P "\ttranscript\t" StringTie_sampleName.gtf | cut -f9 | awk '{gsub("\"","",$0);gsub(";","",$0);print $4,$12}'
I didn't test it but should be fine.
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