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4.5 years ago
Egon Willighagen
We are looking for a scientific programmer interested in joining the fight against COVID-19 and supporting us within the project “WikiPathways as a platform for COVID-19 pathway models” recently granted by the Dutch ZonMw funds. We focus on identifying underlying mechanisms explaining the differences in host immune response, disease severity and detection of mechanisms for targeted (drug) treatment”.
Within this project your main tasks are:
- Contributing to the COVID-19 Disease Map project, especially the conversion tools between our own GPML format and formats from other resources.
- Adding required new features to our pathway curation and analysis software PathVisio.
- Updating WikiPathways with new additional COVID-19 specific pathway information.
- Developing automated data analysis workflows in R and/or Python.
- Writing technical and user documentation.
Full information and application here: https://www.academictransfer.com/en/293838/scientific-programmer-supporting-covid-19-wikipathways-project/