I am using GATK pipeline on WGS data. My BAM files is aligned to GRCh38 from GENCODE. So I want to create interval file for this GRCh38 instead of download from GATKbundle, because some of their contigs have different names. For example "KI270706.1" in GENCODE's GRCh38 is "chr1_KI270706v1_random" in interval list downloaded from GATKbundle. I can't modify interval list downloaded from GATKbundle, because some contigs are different, for example exists in interval list but not GENCODE's GRCh38.
Can anyone tells me how to create my own interval list from GENCODE GRCh38? Thanks.
Hello @MatthewP , were you able to that for a fasta file for example? If you have a fasta file containing a targeted region, how to you generate a intervals.bed file for that fasta?
Thank you!