Hi everyone, I've been searching for a way to retrieve protein isoforms sequences programmatically but unfortunately didn't succeed so far. After parsing the whole Uniprot Trembl and Swissprot xml files I've seen that the sequences are not included, just the isoforms definition plus some extra information. Do you know if there's any kind of web service for it? Thanks in advance,
Pablo Pareja
Hi jerven. Welcome to Biostars! Your first link is broken and needs some mending. Cheers!
Hi jerven. Thanks for your answer, I assume then that this url-pattern should work from mid-February on. I have to ask anyways, isn't there a way for retrieving more than just one isoform sequence at a time? e.g. generating a multi-fasta file with several isoform sequences included? Cheers
Yes this will work now but when you get back a 500 error try again without -d+ of the isoform to get the canonical sequence.