in the VCF for dbsnp137, rs11412589 is said to be located at chr9:74300311
$ curl -s "" |gunzip -c | grep BUILD
~$ curl -s "" |gunzip -c | cut -d ' ' -f 1-5 | awk -F ' ' '($3=="rs11412589")'
9 74300311 rs11412589 T TA,TAA
but on its page on dbsnp the position is shifted by ~20 bases (I know it's an indel but...) : chr9:74300329:74300330 .
as well as on the UCSC/mysql:
| chrom | chromStart | chromEnd |
| chr9 | 74300329 | 74300329 |
1 row in set (0.19 sec)
is it me or is it a bug ?
It seems to me a bug in VCF. The base at chr9:74300311 is "A", not "T". Actually there is no "T" around this region.
I just sent a mail to the NCBI...