makeblastdb -in nt -dbtype nucl -out nt
Building a new DB, current time: 12/09/2021 15:55:27
New DB name: /home/internal/Databases/NT/NT_Jul2021/nt
New DB title: nt
Sequence type: Nucleotide
Deleted existing Nucleotide BLAST database named /home/internal/Databases/NT/NT_Jul2021/nt
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
No volumes were created.
Error: mdb_env_open: Function not implemented
this is the command and error. Please help me resolve and create database
Please don't try to create
databases locally. It is easier to simply download pre-built ones from NCBI as noted below.There is a solution in this thread that may be applicable (it does not seem like you are using Windows so ignore that solution): makeblastdb Fasta file with 25 sequences gives Error: mdb_env_open: There is not enough space on the disk
its a .fasta file. i tried with
makeblastdb -in nt.fasta -dbtype nucl -blastdb_version 4
It worked.But i am still wondering what is the difference between -blastdb version 4 and other versions.
blastdb version 4
works with olderblast+
executables. They will not work with new blast. If you are ok with older blast versions that that will work. If you need to use any taxonomic information then you will need to use a new version of blast and thus a new version (v 5) of the database as well.Thanks for your valuable time and information.
$ makeblastdb -in nt.fasta -dbtype nucl -blastdb_version 5
Building a new DB, current time: 12/11/2021 15:18:39
New DB name: /home/internal/Databases/NT/NT_July2021_v5_db/nt.fasta
New DB title: nt.fasta
Sequence type: Nucleotide
Keep MBits: T
Maximum file size: 1000000000B
No volumes were created.
Error: mdb_env_open: Function not implemented
I tried with -blastdb version 5 but it shows the same error.