I have two roles currently open in my team at NatureMetrics.
I have one senior role with with management responsibility, but both roles are essential to help us scale up bioinformatics pipelines and analysis at NatureMetrics to support ecology, conservation, and help companies, NGO's and governments protect and understand biodiversity. We work closely with Business Development, Product Development, Nature Intelligence and Laboratory teams internally.
NGS skills a must, this largely focuses on metabarcoding in the first instance. Experience in scaling in AWS would be nice. Strong R/Python (but probably mostly R given our ecology focus!) skills, and excellent time and project management skills as we are a busy, high-throughput environment. Experience with bioinformatics in an ecology setting is nice to have, but not essential
Lead Bioinformatician role is here: https://naturemetrics.breezy.hr/p/c0ea2a68f3ca01
Junior Bioinformatician role is here: https://naturemetrics.breezy.hr/p/94a13a0061ad01
Please get in touch if you would like an informal chat about these roles Daniel.Swan@naturemetrics.co.uk, Twitter: @nm_dcs
Important note to applicants: All applicants may be legally required to demonstrate the right to work/permission to work in the UK. (copy/pasted from the site)
What does this encompass? EU citizen here