Rna Seq Analysis Script
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2.4 years ago
Umer ▴ 110

Hello Everyone,

Recently I had to perform RNA-Seq analysis on multiple datasets taken from NCBI-SRA. So I thought of making a GENERAL bash script where I just have to change some initial variables and the code/script would work on any data I provide as input. Hypothetically I thought of doing that, so I ran each command individually first to see if it gives any error. Although what I did works as I wanted it to, I feel that all that process is computationally extensive, takes a lot of time, and uses too many computational resources. Currently, I am using a HP-Prolient Gen10 with 48 core (96 threads) and 440 Gb RAM.

I am not a UNIX expert in any way, so I did all that to as best of my knowledge. My main Query is if anyone could take a look at the work I did and suggest changes which will improve this Here is What I Did

set -e #terminate if any command gives error
set -x #print every command to screen

# Hardcode Parameters
threads=90                  # Number of threads assignment
ref='Ref/oryza_sativa.fa'   # Path/name of Reference Fasta file
gtf='Ref/oryza_sativa.gtf'  # Path/Name of Refetence GTF file

# Index Building
hisat2-build -p $threads $ref $ref > Ref/Index.log      # Creating Reference File Indexes and Log file
samtools faidx $ref                                     # Creating .fai index

# samplelist contains a list of all accession numbers
mapfile -t Acc < samplelist                             # Reading Sample List file into an array
max_i=$(wc -l samplelist | awk '{print $1}')            # max_i contains total number of IDs in sample list file

for((i=0; i<max_i; i++))

### Converting SRR files to FastQ and zipping #
# Getting FastQ files from SRA files
sratoolkit/bin/fastq-dump -v --readids --split-files --outdir FastQ SRA/"${Acc[i]}.sra"   
# Creating Zip Files for both 1st and 2nd mate pair because -gzip option in fastq-dump is deprecated and not recommanded
gzip FastQ/"${Acc[i]}_1.fastq"  
gzip FastQ/"${Acc[i]}_2.fastq"

### Performing FastQC Data Trimming #
fastqc -t 32 -dir temp -o FastQC/Pre-FastQC FastQ/"${Acc[i]}_1.fastq.gz" FastQ/"${Acc[i]}_2.fastq.gz" # Raw FastQ-Reads FastQC Analysis
# Fastp Quality Trimming
fastp --thread $threads --verbose --detect_adapter_for_pe --overrepresentation_analysis --correction --average_qual 28 --report_title "${Acc[i]}" --html FastQC/Fastp_Report/"${Acc[i]}.fastp.html" --json FastQC/Fastp_Report/"${Acc[i]}.fastp.html" -i FastQ/"${Acc[i]}_1.fastq.gz" -I FastQ/"${Acc[i]}_2.fastq.gz" -o QC_Reads/"${Acc[i]}_1_QC.fastq.gz" -O QC_Reads/"${Acc[i]}_2_QC.fastq.gz" > QC_Reads/"${Acc[i]}.log"
# QC-Trimmed Reads FastQC Analysis
fastqc -t 32 -dir temp -o FastQC/Post-FastQC QC_Reads/"${Acc[i]}_1_QC.fastq.gz" QC_Reads/"${Acc[i]}_2_QC.fastq.gz" 

### Alignment with Reference Genome #
# Step 1 Alignment – Map to Reference
hisat2 -p $threads -x $ref -1 QC_Reads/"${Acc[i]}_1_QC.fastq.gz" -2 QC_Reads/"${Acc[i]}_2_QC.fastq.gz" -S Alignment/"${Acc[i]}.sam" --summary-file Alignment/"${Acc[i]}.alignment.log"
# Step 2 SAM to BAM Conversion and Sorting
samtools view -@ $threads -S -b Alignment/"${Acc[i]}.sam" | samtools sort -@ $threads -T temp/tempfile -o Alignment/"${Acc[i]}.sorted.bam"
# Step 3 Bam Indexing
samtools index Alignment/"${Acc[i]}.sorted.bam"
# Step 4 Delete SAM File
rm *.sam -y
# Step 5 Running Feature Count
featureCounts -T 64 -p -O -g gene_id --tmpDir temp/ -a $gtf -o Counts/"${Acc[i]}.tab" Alignment/"${Acc[i]}.sorted.bam"

Thank You to all in advance. Regards: Umer Farooq

Next-Gen-Sequencing Script Ubuntu bash RNA-Seq • 2.8k views
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There's another mistake here in:

hisat2-build -p $threads $ref $ref > Ref/Index.log 

you don't use the $gtf file

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2.4 years ago
Michael 55k

some minor comments:

  • I would write set -eux in the beginning, that way also throwing an error if a variable is undefined
  • your script will build the index each time it is run, e.g. check if the index file exists with if [ ! -f $filename ] or make a makefile right away, or if it is a single species, just run it once.
  • I'd add a multiqc summary, at the end and possibly after fastQC already
  • I'd drop out of the work-flow after fastQC to inspect the results, what is the QC good for otherwise?
  • if you switch to STAR, as recommended before, you can create BAM files directly
  • if you use fasterq-dump as recommended, it has a --threads option, too, but you don't really set it to 90, maybe 4-8 threads should be considered
  • I don't see any specific bash features in your script, so it will run just fine as #!/bin/sh which will most likely default to bash
  • to find out the length of an array you can use max_i=${#Acc[@]} instead of counting lines
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Thank You for the kind suggestions. Some more things I'd like to ask

  • can you elaborate on the 2nd option about reference indexes, Initially, I had the idea of running the script on different species assuming I have only the reference file with no indexes, so it will create indexes then

I'd apply the remaining recommendations. Kudos.

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The point is to not index a genome if it's already been indexed. The suggestion is to add a check to see if the index exists, and if not, then index.

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One could think about using:

 if [ ! -f $ref.h2  -a ! -f $ref.h21 ]; then # hisat-build either builds small < 4 Gb .h2 or large index
     hisat2-build -p $threads $ref $ref ## build index without splicing annotation
 if [ ! -f $ref.fai ]; then
     samtools faidx $ref    

However, to improve mapping accuracy, splice sites and exons should be added to the index, using --exon and --ss parameters. hisat2 doesn't support gtf files directly. The exon and splice-site files need to be generated using scripts included with hisat. See the manual.

I would still use STAR over Hisat2, it is both faster, except for genome indexing, and more sensitive.

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Thank You for your kind suggestions. I'd apply them in my script.

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2.4 years ago
  • Instead of fastq-dump, the recommended workflow is prefetch followed by fasterq-dump [source].
  • You don't need to quality trim RNA-seq. It's actually not recommended in most cases.
  • If you only care about transcript and/or gene level quantification you can run Salmon mapping based mode alone instead of hisat2 + featureCounts.
  • If you do require alignment use STAR + Salmon alignment based mode.

These above suggestions should greatly speed your your pipeline and provide you with more accurate results.

Additionally, Salmon requires at most 20GB of memory and about 4-8 cores, so with your compute resources you could use a program like GNU Parallel to have 10+ Salmon runs going at the same time, otherwise most of your resources will be unused.

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You don't need to quality trim RNA-seq. It's actually not recommended in most cases.

Can you talk about this some more? This is the first I've seen this and most pipelines I know of include trimgalore or cutadapt.

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Aligners are able to soft clip reads as long as you are aligning to a good reference. So in a strict sense trimming is not necessary.

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Thank You for the kind suggestions. I'd apply the remaining recommendations. Kudos.


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