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15 months ago
Hi, I would like to use the PanCanAtlas dataset, the expression data (EBPlusPlusAdjustPANCAN_IlluminaHiSeq_RNASeqV2.geneExp.tsv) from the download page appears to be rna-seq data. But in some old papers which also use the PanCanAtlas dataset, they refer to these data as microarrays.
I am wondering if PanCanAtlas run their samples (previously ran as microarray) again with rna-seq, or only part of the data is rna-seq data?
Hi, so this paper uses the TCGA dataset and in the supplementary information, it mentions the TCGAOVARIAN dataset uses the GPL4685 which is [U133AAofAv2] Affymetrix GeneChip HT-HG_U133A Early Access Array and it's array?
thank you.
This particular example ("GeneChip") is an array. Early TCGA samples may have been done using arrays and later sequenced. Appears to be this dataset: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE28299
So both arrays and rna-seq have been performed on the same samples?