I seem to keep running into problems. whenever I run this hisat2 command:
stringtie -p 8 -G hg38_tran/hg38_ucsc.annotated.gtf -o files/ERR2707360.gtf -l ERR2707360 files/ERR2707360.bam
It gives me:
chr1 hg38_refGene stop_codon 67093580 67093582 0.000000 - . gene_id "NM_001276352"; transcript_id "NM_001276352"; gene_name "C1orf141";chr1 hg38_refGene stop_codon 67093580 67093582 0.000000 - . gene_id "NM_001276352"; transcript_id "NM_001276352"; product "uncharacterized protein C1orf141 isoform 2";
Abort trap: 6
I am using the HISAT2 index file from their website: https://daehwankimlab.github.io/hisat2/download/
Im not sure how the formatting is wrong if I took it from the official site. Do I need to get another genome file and then restart the pipeline?
Sorry, that's what I meant. This is a string tie function and hg38_ucsc.annotated.gtf is not a hisat2index but a normal gtf. When I switched the .gtf with an official human genome like: https://www.gencodegenes.org/human/release_38.html, It worked. Thanks for the clarification. Idk why I called it a hisat2 command when its stringtie