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10 months ago
Hi All,
I would like to ask for Variant Calling
using HaplotypeCaller. It's supposed that after doing the HaplotypeCaller, the #FILTER columns in gvcf files shall show the 'PASS/LowQ' however in my case, the output #FILTER only shows '.' without any rows showing 'PASS' or not:
input=$1 #BQSR.bam file
output=`echo "${input%%.*}"`.gvcf.gz
This is the code:
$path_gatk HaplotypeCaller -R $ref_gene -I $input -O $output -ERC GVCF --dragen-mode true
where did you find such assertion ? such FILTER is set after something like VariantFiltration https://gatk.broadinstitute.org/hc/en-us/articles/360037434691-VariantFiltration . Furthermore, you're running HC in GVCF mode, I wouldn't expect a FILTER at this step.