Hi I am working with .cram files and trying to use PySam to extract and view the read sequences.
This script works on a smaller CRAM file I found online:
cram = pysam.AlignmentFile(path, "rc")
for x in cram.fetch():
however, when I try and do this for a larger .cram file on the RAP on UK biobank, it gives me OSError: truncated file
It doesn't work even if I define a region in cram.fetch() that lies within a chromosome which I can see contains several overlapping reads with IGV.
Could anyone please help with why this may be happening, or alternatively suggest an alternative way for me to extract all/certain reads from a .cram file into a new text file/array etc.? e.g. could I use samtools in the terminal, but I don't know how to extract just the query_sequence
Sorry in advance I'm very new to this kind of work
check the CRAM with
samtools quickcheck the.cram && echo OK
this returned OK, so does that mean there is no issue with the file itself?
at least the file is not truncated, now you should try:
if it's ok, then it could be a problem with RAP or with your code (shouldn't you provide a REFerence with the CRAM ?).
I cannot find a reference genome within the RAP, but I can run
samtools view x.cram
without providing a reference directly, and this is currently working fine. I should note within the same directory there are also .cram.crai files, so is this why I don't need to provide a separate reference?now I have no idea, does this just mean it's the pysam code that doesn't work specifically on this file for some reason?
because the path is hard coded in the bam or samtools download the reference...
it's unrelated. crai files are only here if you need random-access.
So shall I still try running the line you suggested and provide my own reference? e.g. using this https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/technical/reference/GRCh38_reference_genome/GRCh38_full_analysis_set_plus_decoy_hla.fa ?
I have run the line you suggested and used the fasta reference I linked above, and this also ran successfully. Do you have any idea on what I can try to do to resolve this now? thanks for your help so far