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9 months ago
I have a single cell miRNA analysis. I have generated a sorted bam file using STAR with the mirbase hairpin fastas and the hsa.gff3. I generated a genome index with star then performed alignment. Now however, I want to get the counts for my miRNAS, and HTseq complains:
Warning: No features of type '{args.feature_type}' found.
The alignment file has no chromosomes in common with the GFF/GTF file. This will
result in zero feature counts. Please check if the references match,
e.g. if you are using 'chr1' or '1' as chromosome names.
So, since the hairpin fasta had no chromosome number in its identifier and my bam lacks this info, how do I approach this?
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• link
updated 9 months ago by
written 9 months ago by
Pierre Lindenbaum