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9.4 years ago
Hello all,
I have installed NCBI-Blast-2.2.28 on win-7 32 bit system. Also set the path variable to bin directory. I want to create database of plant microRNAs. I have downloaded mature micoRNAs from miRBase. Right now I am having an excel file containing plant microRNas from miRBase
I want to convert this data in to blastable format. I have converted the excel file into csv format and then in to fasta format and tried makeblastdb command, but it outputs BLAST options error: file doesn't exist. Can you please help me regarding this?
Thanks for your help in advance
Can you post the commands you used to create the fasta and create the database. This sounds like a generic command line problem, something like a spelling error - not something actually related to blast.
Yup, sounds like the path to the file isn't being specified correctly or a typo somewhere.
Do not use spaces on any folder and file names involved. No spaces, ever.