Job:Software Engineer in whole-cell simulation (computational systems biology) @ NYC
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7.7 years ago
jonrkarr ▴ 110

The Karr Lab at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is seeking talented, ambitious researchers to develop cutting-edge whole-cell computational models of individual cells, as well as new technologies to enable larger and more accurate whole-cell models.

Despite the explosion of experimental data, we do not understand the details of how phenotype arises from genotype and the environment. We are developing whole-cell computational models which comprehensively predict how behavior emerges from the molecular level by representing all of the biochemical activity inside cells. Our goal is to use whole-cell models to transform bioengineering and medicine into rigorous, quantitative disciplines. Our research is highly interdisciplinary, involving systems biology, genomics, bioinformatics, data integration, parallel simulation, optimization, software engineering, and data visualization, and highly team-oriented.


To enable larger whole-cell models, including models of human cells, the Engineer will develop new methods for building, simulating, calibrating, verifying, and analyzing large, multi-algorithmic whole-cell models. The Engineer would work closely with our team at Mount Sinai, as well as our simulation collaborators at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Desired skills/experience

Whole-cell modeling is a highly interdisciplinary problem. Consequently, we're looking for people with a broad range of skills and experience. The ideal candidate has the following skills. Applicants with related experience are also encouraged to apply.

  • PhD, MS, or BS in computational biology, genomics, bioinformatics, dynamical modeling, computer science or related field;
  • Passion for transforming bioengineering and medicine;
  • Commitment to innovation;
  • Ability to think creatively;
  • Excellent communication skills; and
  • Abilities to work independently and within a team.


Commensurate with experience and education.


All employees are eligible for medical, dental, and health insurance. Subsidized housing is available for postdoctoral fellows.

About the Institute for Genomics & Multiscale Biology and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

The Icahn Institute for Genomics & Multiscale Biology is a leader in basic and translational genomic and computational biology research. The institute's multidisciplinary researchers bring state-of-the-art genomic technologies together with advanced computational analyses to discover new disease mechanisms, develop new diagnostics, and identify new drug targets. The institute is a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary environment. Please see the institute's website for more information.

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai is a world leader in translational medicine. The school's multidisciplinary research institutes foster collaboration along a seamless continuum from the laboratory to patient care. State-of-the-art laboratories support groundbreaking research, and abundant clinical venues offer superb patient care and training.

More information

Please see our website ( or contact Jonathan Karr (

How to apply

Please email a cover letter outlining your research interests and a CV to Jonathan Karr (

systems-biology software computational-biology • 2.5k views
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7.6 years ago
srikanth • 0

Is this position still open ? If so,can people outside of US apply ?

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Asking this question here may not get you far. You may want to contact Dr. Karr directly (he has not visited Biostars for a month, or it appears).

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Hi srikanth

We had multiple positions to fill, and still have one position open.

The position is open to foreign citizens.

Please send me a cover letter and CV if you are interested in applying.

Regards Jonathan

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Hi Jonathan Karr,

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm interested and have mailed you the same.


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