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7.4 years ago
Can anyone tell me the error in this command. I want to get full query coverage also with my seq. alignment and when I am using qcovs it is showing error.
blastn -db 17978_old_complete_genome -query 17978new_ol_genes.fasta -perc_identity 90 -evalue 0.0001 -qcovs -outfmt 6 > complete_genome_0.0001_oneline_output_qcovs
Just try the same command with quotes The command string needs these quotes, such that the command line looks like:
Thanks ..it works but which coloumn gives query coverage
why don't you upload your results.. at-least first 10 lines
Output should be in the same order as what you specified in
-outfmt 6 "sseqid qseq qcovs sseq"
gives youHere
is in column 3.Why don't you state the error that you are getting while running the command