Adv.Bioinformatics 2018 would like to take this wonderful opportunity to welcome everyone interested in Bioinformatics to "12th International Conference on Advancements in Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery" that is scheduled at Dublin, Ireland during November 26-27, 2018.
The theme of the conference is "Get into the interdisciplinary field with cutting-edge novelties".
The conference is a specially designed bundle meeting that involves an ample range of critically significant sessions. It would lay a platform for the interaction between experts all over the world and intends in advancing the scientific discoveries.
The Congress foci on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Proteomics, Biomedical & Health Informatics, Epitranscriptomics, Theoretical Biology & Bioinformatics, Genomics, Pan Genomics, Biodiversity informatics, DNA Punctuation, Moonlighting Proteins, Systems Biology, Immunology and Drug Discovery, Algorithms & Databases, Biomedical engineering & Imaging, Biostatistics, Structural & Evolutionary Bioinformatics and Clinical Case Reports.
This event will provide platform for business delegates, B2B meetings, poster presentations, workshops, symposia, networking and more. It will offer a platform wherein you can ensure enormous exposure and networking by exhibiting products and services.
This has the hallmarks of a predatory conference, beware
What you mean "predatory"?
Yes, please what do you mean by that?