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6.8 years ago
I'm actually trying to creat a database for diamond with this script:
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2
#PBS -e /pandata/me/blast_database/makedb.error
#PBS -o /pandata/me/blast_database/makedb.out
#PBS -N makedb2
#PBS -q q1hour
uname -a
echo debut:
date #debut
$diamond makedb --in $nr_faa -d nr2
So I ran it an it actually worked without error (makedb.error file is empty) but I cannot find the nr2 outfile nowhere and I do not know why? It ran on a cluster. Thank for your help.
As I recall DIAMOND needs a lot of memory. You don't seem to have specified any additional beyond your default allocation. I will need to look this up but I may have used 80G or so last time I made the indexes.
With 30 GB is not enought? because I already ran it with less that that, here I do not understand why it does not work. I'll try with :bigmem,mem=30gb and let you know
Hi still get the same probleme, everything seems to work but I cannot see the file, if. it was a memory probleme I should get an error message no?
Do you have write permissions on the directory where you are running this job from? Since you are not specifying an output directory/path, DIAMOND will try to write
to the current directory.Well, if I do $diamond makedb --in $nr_faa -d directory/path/nr2 will it work? or it accepts aonly a name?
Try to see if it already present somewhere else on your system by using @h.mon's suggestion.
Otherwise try the command above. That file should be 60+G so you are not going to miss it.
What is the output of stdout and stderr? Did you try to find the diamond db:
This command does not work, when I use it with a file name that exists, nothing appends (I'm in a virtual env - server)
Do you mean "nothing happens"? That command is doing a search with that file name.
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