I'm struggling to design a degenerative primer in R, I have 8 sets 585 aa seq, for which I have to generate degenerative primers, I have used DECIPHER pipeline for MSA and phylogeny.
I'm struggling to design a degenerative primer in R, I have 8 sets 585 aa seq, for which I have to generate degenerative primers, I have used DECIPHER pipeline for MSA and phylogeny.
You can try using hyden, iCODEHOP or genefisher2 . For more options you can check out this post of research gate.
Why R? This isn’t really its forté.
<10 seconds on google finds a python package that will do just this by the looks of it:
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Can you be a bit more specific here?
To be specific, I have list of 8 peptides having a length of ~585 aa. I would like to design a degenerative primer. I'm using R interface. I have to design the Dgen-primers for these 8 distinct peptides, can I do that in R..?
Which DECIPHER are you talking about?
Assuming it is the first one, can't you use the server to design the primers? Otherwise, as WouterDeCoster indicated, you have to provide more information - such as commands used so far and which command failed, with its error message - in order for us to help.
I meant DECIPHER.codes by E. Wright. With this package I have successfully designed fwd and rev primers (barcoded) but I havent tried degen-primers, can it be done..? I couldn't find the option for degen-primer.