Can anyone tell me how i can download the complete genome format of bacteria Refseq from NCBI ? I mention complete genome as i don't want any word of chromosome be in the FASTA files. I just saw some post regarding this matter and it seems with the name of organism in the format of text file will do the job. I can get the CSV file of the organism from this link "!/overview/ " and extract only the first column. If I use the script from this thread How to download COMPLETE bacterial genomes from NCBI based on list of names?, it seems it is not working and nothing will be downloaded. Can anyone tell me if this code is compatible to every format of species.txt or should i reformat it somehow?
cat species.txt
"'Brassica napus' phytoplasma"
"'Candidatus Kapabacteria' thiocyanatum"
"'Chrysanthemum coronarium' phytoplasma"
"'Echinacea purpurea' witches'-broom phytoplasma"
"'Osedax' symbiont bacterium Rs2_46_30_T18"
"'Sphingomonas ginsengisoli' Hoang et al. 2012"
"Abaca bunchy top virus"
"Abalone herpesvirus Victoria/AUS/2009"
"Abalone shriveling syndrome-associated virus"
"Abditibacterium utsteinense"
"Abelson murine leukemia virus"
"Abeoforma whisleri"
"Abiotrophia defectiva"
"Abisko virus"
"Absidia glauca"
"Absidia repens"
"Absiella dolichum"
"Abutilon Brazil virus"
"Abutilon golden mosaic virus"
"Abutilon mosaic Bolivia virus"
"Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus"
"Abutilon mosaic virus"
IFS=$'\n'; for next in $(cat species.txt); do awk -v SPECIES=^"$next" 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}{if($8 ~ SPECIES && $12=="Complete Genome"){print $20}}' assembly_summary.txt \
| awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS="/"}{print "wget "$0,$NF"_genomic.fna.gz"}'; done \
| sh
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