Forum:Bioinformatics and biotechnology market in future.
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4.9 years ago
mona11224 • 0

How would be bioinformatics and biotechnology market 20 years from now. Will there be enough jobs as machine learning will be taking most of the human jobs.

genome next-gen • 1.6k views
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as machine learning will be taking most of the human jobs

This is a broad and false characterization of what might happen. ML replaces tasks, not jobs. There will always be a change in the kind of jobs people do when these revolutions happen. If the statement you made were true, the loss of jobs that human beings had to do before machines existed would have resulted in a crisis, but this statement assumes newer, more sophisticated jobs won't be created in the same or an allied (or a higher level) field.

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4.9 years ago

The important part of a bioinformatic scientist job is the science, not the bioinformatics. If you see being a bioinformatician as being someone how can run a differential expression analysis, or train a gene expression based cancer subtype classifier, then yes, in 20 years much of that will be automated.

But the demand for someone who can take some musing on the nature of biology and turn them in to numerically rigorous, testable hypothesis; who can take a big dataset and spot what the important patterns are (not in terms of explaining variance, or classifying the data, but in terms of explaining the biology), and then design an intuitive summary of the dataset that demonstrates this to others; people who can look at a result and just go "that just can't be right, there must be an artefact somewhere" - demand for these sorts of people isn't going to dissppear.

Computers are fantastic at solving optimisation problems (which is all ML is really), but we are way more than 20 years off computers being able to decide what optimisation problems to solve, and being able to judge if the proffered solution is any good.


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