Hello! I'm performing a single-cell genome-wide copy-number profiling by low-pass sequencing (coverage: 1X, 0.5X, 0.1X). Would anybody suggest me how to determine which is the optimal bin size in the genome segmentation step? Usually it's set to 0.5M or 1M when the genome coverage is as low as 1X. I would like to know which is the best one for my coverage, any advice? Thank you!
Which tool are you using for the analysis?
I'm testing different tools such as CNVkit, Gingko, Control-FREEC... In the CNVkit manual for example I read: "Increase the “target” average bin size (--target-avg-size), e.g. to at least 1000 bases for 30x coverage, or proportionally more for lower-coverage sequencing". I would like to expand this concept.
I am not sure about the others, but Control-FREEC can automatically determine the optimal bin size.
I second the use of Control-FREEC. It is a truly great program suite, that can determine copy number from WGS, WES, or targeted seq.
Thank you Igor and Kevin. Yes, the coefficientOfVariation parameter in Control-FREEC allows to automatically determine the correct window size.