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2.6 years ago
I don't have vcf file. I rsid/snp id, chrom, position, growth parameters, case n control. Quality control, HWE, logistic regression.
question .
Dear Pierre,
Sorry, I would like to perform in Plink. The question is to generate .bed, .map. .fim files from csv files having Marker, variety and phenotype information. How will I separate case and control or should case and control in one file. I have phenotype and genotypic information for each marker. The information is like this:
Check here
Thank you. I prepared .ped and .map file, Now I would like to calculate Odds ratio, MAF, pvalue for each marker. When I executed the command plink --file Wei --assoc --maf 0.05 --out run1 I got NA in Odds ratio column.
Simultaneously I have to predict Odds ratio and pvalue for each environmental factor or clinical factors for particular SNP.