Hi,I am trying to convert to SRR029687.sra to .fastq file.I am using the MS Windows 64 bit architecture executable. The command I am running is fastq-dump -A D:\SRRdata\SRR029687.sra.
But after a while of running,it gives an error:
2014-10-27T01:55:32 fastq-dump.2.4.2 err: data insufficient while constructing header within virtual database module - failed /D/SRRdata/SRR029687.sra
An error occurred during processing.
A report was generated into the file 'C:\Users\acer/ncbi_error_report.xml'.
If the problem persists, you may consider sending the file
to 'sra@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov' for assistance.
I downloaded the file from here and run the following commands and it worked for me.
fastq-dump --split-3 ./SRR029687.sra
Rejected 217386 READS because of filtering out non-biological READS
Read 217386 spots for SRR029687.sra
Written 217386 spots for SRR029687.sra
fastq-dump -A SRR029687 ./SRR029687.sra
Read 217386 spots for SRR029687.sra
Written 217386 spots for SRR029687.sra
The file is pretty small (~134M). There shouldn't be any memory problem.
D:\sratoolkit.2.4.2-1-win64\bin>fastq-dump D:\SRRdata\SRR029692.sra
2014-10-28T11:48:03 fastq-dump.2.4.2 err: data insufficient while constructing header within virtual database module - failed /D/SRRdata/SRR029692.sra
An error occurred during processing.
A report was generated into the file 'C:\Users\acer/ncbi_error_report.xml'.
If the problem persists, you may consider sending the file
to 'sra@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov' for assistance.
zhenghanl1020 I have edited my answer. Also can you try using these commands on a different .sra file to check if there is anything wrong with the file?
linux is an operating system not tool, I can't help you to install it here. you can get help from people who work in the computer field in your university. However, I suggest you to install Ubuntu 13.1.
• link
updated 3.0 years ago by
written 10.2 years ago by
I've just faced with the same problem a few days ago and I wrote a letter to sratoolkit. They ask me to run the prefetch commend under the bin folder to get the needed reference. Like prefetch ERR053953.sra. It seems to work.I guess it may get you some help.
I don't think this is a good enough reason to use sudo and it would seriously surprise me if it would make a difference. You shouldn't use sudo for just running software, only for 'system administrator purposes' such as installing software.
I tried your command, it can't be worked.
Here are the results.
zhenghanl1020 I have edited my answer. Also can you try using these commands on a different .sra file to check if there is anything wrong with the file?
me too , i also have the problem of that!