News:NVIDIA GPU Conference sponsorship for Biostars + updated advertising terms
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9.5 years ago

During the past five years we have investigated and evaluated different forms of sponsorships and/or advertising. At the same time we've been exploring free options for non-commercial, educational and other entities with important contributions to the field.

For a historical perspective see

This week marks a new approach towards making the site fully self supporting. We have accepted advertising from a commercial entity: The NVIDIA GPU Conference.

Our goal is to make advertising relevant, well marked and unobtrusive to the users. For now ads will run only for non-registered users. If we were to extend this to all users those with lots of contributions will have the option of opting out altogether. (This post will have a banner for all users to put it into context).

One way of supporting the site is by visiting the sponsors - but not just with click - I have always disliked calls to simply click a link. If the topic interests you at all take a few minutes and look of their content - remember that commercial applications of bioinformatics is where the most career prospects are.

We have updated the terms for advertising (see link below). In a nutshell we offer commercial (products for sale), non-commercial (workshops, conferences, resources by an educational institute) and free advertising (open source software developers or tool makers).

Advertising terms:

biostars meta • 2.1k views
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Sounds good. I don't personally mind seeing ads on Biostar, if they are focused on Bioinformatics topics and if they something of interest.

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actually this is a good point - small diversions are ok - we'll evaluate a mode where ads are shown once per day for registered users.


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