Hi all,
First and foremost, I must say that I am a complete ignorant regarding mass spectrometry.
A colleague of mine has received some masspec data. It looks like this:
m/z Intensity Relative Charge
812.41 205053.5 100 3
812.75 147485.1 71.93 3
812.08 126367.7 61.63 3
(... many ...)
As far as I understand, for each row, she fills the following form http://prospector.ucsf.edu/prospector/cgi-bin/msform.cgi?form=msproduct and tries to locate the m/z in the resulting HTML table.
Do you know if there would be a WEBService for this kind of data ? Apart from creating a robot filling the form, how would you suggest to speed up the process ?
UPDATE: I had a closer look at her data. She uses this HTML form to get the molecular weights of a petide with/without some post transcriptional modifications. She then tries to find the predicted weights in the output of the MALDI.
At the end, I created a robot to query the HTML form. The form accepts the GET method:
curl "http://prospector.ucsf.edu/prospector/cgi-bin/mssearch.cgi?s=1&nterm=&sequence=SAMPLER&cterm=&s2=1&nterm2=&sequence2=&cterm2=&s3=1&nterm3=&sequence3=&cterm3=&s4=1&nterm4=&sequence4=&cterm4=&s5=1&nterm5=&sequence5=&cterm5=&s6=1&nterm6=&sequence6=&cterm6=&user_aa_composition=C2+H3+N1+O1&user_aa_2_composition=&user_aa_3_composition=&user_aa_4_composition=&it=b&it=y&it=P&display_graph=1&max_charge=3&count_pos_z=Count+Basic+AA&max_losses=1&output_type=XML&output_filename=lastres&parent_mass_convert=monoisotopic&fragment_masses_tolerance=300&fragment_masses_tolerance_units=ppm&instrument_name=ESI-Q-TOF&data_format=PP+M%2FZ+Charge&data=&data_source=Data+Paste+Area&ms_mass_exclusion=0&ms_matrix_exclusion=0&ms_peak_exclusion=0&msms_deisotope=0&msms_join_peaks=0&msms_mass_exclusion=0&msms_matrix_exclusion=0&msms_peak_exclusion=0&report_title=MS-Product&search_name=msproduct&version=5.7.2"
It works fine, nevertheless I would be happy to know if there would be a web service executing this task.
I think I didn't quite get what the aim of this analysis is. Can you specify what you wish. The only application that comes to my mind is peptide mass fingerprinting, or is it something else?
What kind of analysis you want to do with these mass spectra data?
as I wrote a robot to solve my problem, I'll validate the answer with the highest number of votes next week.