Is there any resource of standardized and uniformly stylized (and potentially, but not necessarily, even free) icons of popular model organisms (including E. coli and other popular unicellular organisms)?
I wish to use it for making a small tabular-like panel with ~10 organisms, next to the main figure panel, which would show the detailed data for one organism.
Some model organisms are not yet included in unicode.
I saw some people use ggtree and emojifont to draw organisms in emoji. I hope this will help.
Does not answer your question as you want icons and not real images but still might be useful. NCBI Taxonomy linkout for given organism is usually a good resource to find images. Second is .
Sorry for spamming but openclipart is also a very good source ( . Can be installed and accessed within libreoffice and takes care of most of my image needs. The animal icons is quite good and no restrictions (