It looks like things have changed in the meantime: Now it is possible to directly work with Ensembl Genes. Note the annot =, mapping=""
biocLite(c("biomaRt", "topGO", ""))
all_genes <- rep(c(0,1,1), each=10)
names(all_genes) <- c("ENSMUSG00000031167", "ENSMUSG00000022443", "ENSMUSG00000055762", "ENSMUSG00000031328", "ENSMUSG00000026728", "ENSMUSG00000029722", "ENSMUSG00000059208", "ENSMUSG00000017404", "ENSMUSG00000003970", "ENSMUSG00000019210", "ENSMUSG00000024966", "ENSMUSG00000024197", "ENSMUSG00000030847", "ENSMUSG00000004264", "ENSMUSG00000041959", "ENSMUSG00000032643", "ENSMUSG00000042520", "ENSMUSG00000028484", "ENSMUSG00000022186", "ENSMUSG00000027593", "ENSMUSG00000019795", "ENSMUSG00000021134", "ENSMUSG00000026956", "ENSMUSG00000022982", "ENSMUSG00000027162", "ENSMUSG00000024668", "ENSMUSG00000000168", "ENSMUSG00000022234", "ENSMUSG00000024991", "ENSMUSG00000018697")
GOdata <- new("topGOdata", ontology = "BP", allGenes = all_genes, geneSel = function(p) p < 1e-2, description = "Test", annot =, mapping="", ID="Ensembl")
resultFisher <- runTest(GOdata, algorithm = "classic", statistic = "fisher")
GenTable(GOdata, classicFisher = resultFisher, topNodes = 10)
Is there any particular reason to use only Ensembl IDs ? I think you if you can use an ID converter to map between Ensembl <-> Entrez you may get more tools to do this type of analysis.
Sometimes mapping Ensembl IDs to Entrez IDs let's say using Biomart makes you loose some entries since this is not a 1-1 relationship, some Ensembl IDs do not have necessary Entrez equivalents