First time posting so apologies if this is posted to the wrong forum.
Does anybody know if there is an issue with the DAVID website. I've tried accessing it from several computers but it won't load. I could get in last week but when using the conversion tool it would stop at 30% complete. I've tried emailing them but have not got a reply.
Lots of gene annotations have been added (and some deleted) in those years. Despite many pleas from the biocuration community over many years, the maintainers of DAVID are either unwilling or unable to make these updates. So unless you want your analyses to be based on five year old knowledge, find another enrichment tool. (I suggest Panther because it is developed by one of the Gene Ontology PIs.)
Until it comes back up, you might try iPathwayGuide as an alternative. We offer an easy to use web application that is 100% free to use for doing pathway analysis among other analyses. You can watch a short overview video about the application below.
• link
updated 2.3 years ago by
written 9.5 years ago by
In past 2 months at least for me it was going up and down. However, the problem was that even when it was up, I was never able to see it loading the functional annotation results page. It would be very sad if this great web resource is not maintained anymore..
The result of says that it's just down for me and up for everyone, but clearly its not loading for me too.
UPDATE: I checked on another source: and this one says that it's down for everyone.
Thank you Gjain,
Should have known there would be a site for checking the status of other sites. Useful tool for next time.
Hi Alan and Gjain,
Please try our tools Enrichr and PAEA. We offer more gene set libraries and better enrichment analysis algorithms.