I was thinking about an application of augmented reality tools to help understanding bioinformatics problems. Although it may look like a useless thing to do (to have) could it actually be helpful for someone to have a tool that solve particular problems related to 3D-visualization using some augmented reality stuff?
If above statement is true could you give me some examples of such applications? I am considering all the possibilities because for me it looks like a good question to investigate.
It may be obvious from above but I would like to take similar topic for MSc thesis so all the suggestions are really welcome!
Thank you!
One of the more common 3-D plots people seem to use in bioinformatics is PCA. I don't know if one data visualization is complicated enough to count, but just saying.
Sorry, I think i don't fully understand your statement. Do you mean it would be much better to have different/intuitive representation of PCA?
I guess I just meant it's a 3-D plot that people are making a lot. But not often actually viewing it in 3-D -- just viewing it in 2-D.
It's clear now, thank you!