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6.6 years ago
i am new to bwa aligner, and i indexed hg19 chr1 using BWA [index] method: bwa index -p hg19.chr1 -a bwtsw /Users/lffu/bio-info/reference/genome/hg19/chr1.fa
after running this command, it generated 5 files: hg19.chr1.amb hg19.chr1.ann hg19.chr1.bwt hg19.chr1.pac hg19.chr1.sa
i looked through the bwa official web page and its tutorial, but i did not find more information about the detail meaning of these files, so can anyone help me explain the exact meaning of these 5 files? many thanks here.
They're internal files needed by BWA, their exact meaning and contents are otherwise irrelevant.
These files represent the burrows-wheeler transformed genome as well as the respective suffix array etc. As Devon said, irrelevant for the end user. If you want details, refer to the BWA paper.
thank you very much.