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5.4 years ago
Hello All I am analyzing Agilent microarray data to study the infection condition, I used networkanalyst.ca tool for analysis. The normalization was done using Variance Stabilizing Normalization. Herewith attached image produced after normalization. Please comment is this correctly normalized.
Than you
We are [mostly] analysts here. Your description of your data processing steps are quite ambiguous. Please explain exactly how you processed your data, providing code used, where applicable.
You appear to have used networkanalyst.ca - is that correct?
Yes, I have used networkanalyst.ca tool, I have used microarray Series matrix file, that contain the gene expression value of the sample.
This image represents before normalization
Okay, it is just not common to use networkanalyst.ca to process microarray data.
You can also obtain normalised data by simply doing (in R):
I have done it, can please share the code for DEG analysis
Are you asking Kevin for exact working code that will perform differential expression analysis on your data? Please do not expect volunteers here to do your work for you.
Thank you, I will do it
How to solve this
should be a character or integer vector, not a list object. If character, it should contain rownames of your object being subset; if integer, these should correspond to row indices of your object being subset.Please take some time to review subsetting in R.
I tried but not getting anything. Can you please tell me how to convert it into character or integer vector.
Did you google "convert list to vector"?
yes I used unlist() for that but still it is showing error
Surely, it is not the same error. Can you show how you used your
, as well as theclass()
of the objects without and with the unlist operation?This gives me error:
What are the first few values of
?; what are the first few rownames ofproject.bgcorrect.norm$E
?Well, that does not look good. With these two lines of code, we are trying to subset the expression matrix with a character vector of probe IDs. For this to work, the rownames of the expression matrix has to already be set as probe IDs. You may have lost these IDs from the expression matrix in a previous step.
Sorry Kevin
I perused your answer here and I finished with something names gset with class of Expressionset but I don't know how to get normalized matrix for `` GEO accession through this code
Actually the ultimate goal is a survival Kaplan meier plot for this list of genes for this data sets
Hey, you can obtain the data like this:
Thank you your code gave me
Is this matrix normalized now? I am not sure which accession are in rows :( and how I could gene symbol instead
Yes, it seems to be normalised.
They are Rosetta IDs - you can obtain an ID mapping here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GPL4372 (download the 'Annotation SOFT table...')